Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Brad Pitt: Most Dangerous Celebrity

Yes, Brad Pitt is the most dangerous celebrity. Don't be alarmed. I don't mean that Brad Pitt is notorious actor. Let me explain. While surfing, this article "McAfee name most dangerous celebrity searches" caught my attention. I thought that it has to do with crimes. Hahaha, how dumb I am only to learn that it has to do with cyber crimes.

According to McAfee, "Consumers' obsession with celebrity news and culture is harmless in theory, but one bad download can cause a lot of damage to a computer. I was a victim of this last week. I was so obsessed researching about Vanessa Hudgens, I was lead to different websites. When I download a certain file, it almost done damage to my computer. My son, Dane freak-out almost so I admit that I am a dumb when it comes to computer tech.

In the survey of McAfee, Brad Pitt replaced Jessica Biel as the most dangerous celebrity. Twenty (20%) percent, chance of hitting a website peppered with threats, including spyware, adware, spam, phishing, and viruses.

Second in the list is Beyonce for ringtones download. Third is saving screensavers of Jennifer Aniston.

So be careful when for celebrity might damage your computer.