"Thorn Heart" is the first book that I am writing. This a story of love, passion and courage of woman ordeal to cope-up with the trials of life. Her ambition is to alleviate his family from quagmire of poverty. Life has no boundaries. Life is hard to define. How Margot, the main character of the story, survived the test of time and test of many, you can find in this book.
I am dedicating this book to my kids, Dane, Dawn and Dianne for their unconditional love. There is nothing I could ask more.
To God for the talents and the blessing.
To my friends, who are with me through thick and thin.
By: Beth T. Belarmino
How could you ever love a man you know you can never have? There is a pain in your heart being stabbed by a Damocles sword! Within the depth of your heart you bleed and you are the only one who understands what a profound loneliness is. In the darkest side of your life, he is a candle glowing in the dark. In the essence of your whole being, your bodies are just one, just one soul……
Love can only be kept when it is given perfectly and it can only be given perfectly when it is also received
-Thomas Merton
No Man Is An Island
Chapter I
When the country was under siege of the 1986 People Power Revolution; when mammoth of people: young and old, fat and thin, nuns and priests armored with rosary, when non-government organizations and civic leaders braved EDSA to demonstrate the ouster of Pres. Marcos, a beautiful angelic baby girl was born to a woman, Margot, in a quiet town of San Jose, Province of Antique (pronounced An-ti-ke) at 2:30 dawn time. When night time was meeting daytime. As you could hear the loud cry of a baby girl, you could hear the chirping of the crickets and the flocks of birds. It seemed like the cricket and the birds were welcoming the baby for they never stopped chanting in their language until the baby ceased crying. A cry of life. A cry of joy. Or maybe a cry of defiance she existed on the face of the earth. In her little sense of world, she might have preempted that her life would be consisting of twist and turns.
(To be continued)