I featured a video in this blog recently re: health condition of Cory. Since I have not heard in that video of any official statement from Kris, I presumed that Cory’s condition was doing well. I have not been following lately Cory’s health. I have been busy updating my blog.Nor, no news that I can see from the website. I even pray for her the first decade of the rosary for her before I go to sleep and for all other sick people especially those who cannot afford to take their patients to the hospital or buy medicines due to financial constraints.
I saw the gallantry of Cory to fight what is right and tobring back the democracy in the Philippines. She fought the unbeatable foe with her back-up supporters, the dictatorship regimen of then President Ferdinand E. Marcos. At the height of People Power Revolution in 1986, Pres. Marcos and his family and some of his cronies fled to Hawaii for exile. The unanimous outcry of the people catapulted her to Presidency on February 25, 1986. She was the first woman president and the 11th President of the Philippines. She served the term of 6 years from 1986 to 1992.
The demise of Cory Aquino is a great loss to all Filipino people. I know that the nation mourn for this. I can say, Cory, you will always be remembered as a highly compassionate woman of our times. The best legacy that you leave to us is your bravery to fight against corrupt practices and to maintain democracy for the people, by the people and to the people.
Farewell….Cory…..farewell. I know that you are at peace with the Lord, our Creator. For the Aquino Family, our commiseration on your time of sorrows and bereavement.