Kho said that "you'll be seeing a different Kho now"during the launch of the white ribbon campaign for women's rights by the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM).
Is this some kind of a white washing of Hayden Kho to exonerate him of the action done? I don't consider this a crime or any lascivious act because Katrina Halili consented to having sex with him only in the end, because of shame and misdemeanor she cried in public "foul". Being a Women's Right Advocate will it change his image. People from all walks of life would still entertain doubts.
With so many sex scandal publicities that he had been exposed to, do you think many will believe in the integrity of Hayden Kho.
In other related development, the Katrina Halili libel case against Hayden's mom was junked of by Court due to lack of merit. What does Katrina feel about this now that Hayden is a women's right advocate. Oh, Hayden would be a great advocate to Katrina