"I'm Miss American Dream since I was 17 / Don't matter if I step on the scene / Or sneak away to the Philippines / They still got pictures of my derrière in the magazine / You want a piece of me? / You want a piece of me?"
Mentioning 'Philippines' in the lyrics of her released single called, "Piece of Me," which recently found its way to the Internet. The mentioning of Philippines, does this give honor to the country when Filipinos have been subject of ridicules?
Lately, there has been racial disparage on Filipinos in US Television shows like "Desperate Housewives" and "Daily Show with Jon Stewart." "Desperate Housewives" show hit the borderline and draw violent reactions among Filipinos especially medical practitioners when Susan Miranda, played by Terry Hatcher, asked the attending doctor if she could first inspect his medical diplomas, "Coz, I just want to make sure they're not from some med school in the Philippines." Though it was not meant to slur racial discrimination among medical practitioners, it go beyond the borderline of responsible media production. It humiliates Filipinos. Well, Filipinos are always a subject of mediocre.
Hey Britney thanks for mentioning Philippines. You better come to Philippines so we can get a piece of you.