I am not this kinda fond of movies. As I have browse in the internet, there are lots of good movies showing in the theaters this July 2010 or oh this month! My son happened to download some movies like Eclipse (saga of vampires & werewolves), Salt(story of Evelyn Salt, CIA officer who was accused as a Russian Sleeper spy played by Angelina Jolie), Avatar, the last Airbender and The Karate Kid among few to mention.
I have a glimpse of The Karate Kid movie. A story of the kid's determination and indomitable spirit to learn techniques of kung fu under the tutelage of Jackie Chan. To make the story short, Dre played by Jaden Smith won in the kung fu tournament though he his knee was badly injured.
It is so amazing this movie grosses to P60 million in Philippines for 4 days it has been shown in theaters nationwide. Jaden Smith is cute.
You ought to see this movie or you get grab a a DVD copy.