From desktop to laptop. From laptop to netbook. From netbook to tablet PC and smartphone. There have been so much changes especially with the way we enjoy entertainment. Before, VHS and betamax tapes were in but now people have become busier and are more inclined to do things the mobile way - downloading and watching mobile movies. Why not? Mobile movies are lighter in size plus you can bring it anywhere without carrying a quite heavy netbook or a much heavier laptop - desktop PC are out of the questions!
So how can you watch movies on your cellphone? Simple. What's the use of the internet. For sure, there are many websites that offer downloadable movies for free. You just have to use your common sense when searching. Or if you have video files that are too big to played on smartphones, you can convert them to other formats like 3gp and mp4 and resize their screen resolutionsn. Mp4 and 3gp files by the way are compatible with most mobile devices.